When did you sell your first item on eBay?
“Back in September 2011, I was at a very low point in my life. I was a teacher but unable to work due to surgery for Crohn’s disease. I was finding it increasingly hard, not just to leave the house, but to find a reason to. Which was heartbreaking for me, as I am a ‘people person’ and usually the life and soul of the party.”
“Browsing eBay one day I saw that someone was selling hen party games. I decided I’d put a few games I’d created on sale too and to my surprise, people loved them!”
“I know it sounds mad, but those little pink cards saved me. I needed to walk to the postbox with my orders and to visit the Post Office to buy my stamps. Suddenly, I had a purpose again and a reason to leave the house. Not to mention all the lovely emails and messages I started to receive from happy customers, which really lifted me in my darkest days.”
“Running my own business on eBay has given me the flexibility and work-life balance I craved”
“By summer 2012, I was feeling stronger – both physically and mentally – so I put my eBay selling on hold while I returned to my job as a teacher, and ended up being promoted to the senior team.”
“After battling infertility as a result of her surgeries, my dreams came true and I fell pregnant. I went on to have a son in 2015 and it was one of the happiest moments of my life. But I began to struggle again and when I was told by my employer that ‘leadership and motherhood didn’t mix’, I ended up leaving my job.”
“I felt I’d lost some of my identity and it was then that I thought about my hen party games again and decided to make a real go of it.”
How did you grow the business?
“Making the move from a hobby-seller to a full time retailer presented its own challenges. But in just a short space of time, I had established a successful business.”
“One thing I needed to learn was how to delegate and put my trust in others – otherwise, I would have ended up working 24/7! It was a learning curve for me, but so worth it in the end. I received some great advice and also attended workshops and networking events, where I met with other small business owners and we’d share tips and best practice.”
“This support was transformational and the business flourished. The icing on the cake was when I received the eBay for Business Inspiration Award in 2017, a very proud moment for me.”