Just Because

A budding local business succeeding on eBay’s Retail Revival programme in Wolverhampton.

Five years ago, Jeanette left her full-time role in property management and launched a small business with her sister, selling scarves, jewellery and accessories at Christmas fairs, markets and events.

Two years ago, she achieved her life-long goal of opening her own shop, Just Because. Facing competition from large high street stores with stronger buying power and a larger customer base, Jeanette opened an eBay shop to run alongside her bricks and mortar store.

Then, eBay came to Wolverhampton to launch its Retail Revival programme in partnership with the City of Wolverhampton.

Designed to help small retailers get online, the programme encourages sellers to combine the convenience of online with the tangible experience of a shop front, building reputation and brand loyalty through access to eBay’s global customer base.

A top-rated seller, Jeanette credits the programme for improving her digital skills.

Through one-to-one mentoring, her business growth has accelerated; in fact, businesses on the programme have seen an average of 40% sales growth over the past year.

In addition, the programme introduced her to other like- minded local business owners, enabling them to exchange ideas and working practices.

Just Because is growing steadily and Jeanette has plans to increase her range of stock over the next few months. The business also plays a role in supporting the community by donating to local schools and charity events.

Just Because's Story

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